The American Legion Riders is a program of the American Legion, the oldest Congressionally recognized Veterans Program in the United States of America. Its members are motorcycle enthusiasts and have become the mobile arm and rolling billboard for the American Legion. We exist to serve Veterans, Veteran Families, and our communities. Thousands of hours are spent toward these vital endeavors while we enjoy the freedom and enjoyment that our motorcycles provide us.
California Chapter 299, located in the city of Chino, was chartered on July 16, 2021 by President - Tom "OGRE" Lively, Vice President - Jeff "Hats" Ramirez, Secretary - Austin "Tin-Man" Vang, Sgt at Arms - Marc "BS" Lawrie, and Treasurer - Danielle "Yellie" Lively. At that time the Chino Post did not have a Chapter and it was the thought of the founding members that it greatly needed one. Since that time Chapter 299 has grown to over 30 members who believe in the aims and purposes of the American Legion and love to ride.
Vist our Officers page for the current Officers of the Chapter.